Common brushing mistakes you tend to make

Common brushing mistakes you tend to make

Brushing our teeth is the first thing we do in the morning and the last thing we do before going to bed at night. Since brushing is the foundation of a good oral hygiene routine, an average person spends around 82 days brushing teeth, in their lifetime. Not to mention...
Importance of cleaning your tongue

Importance of cleaning your tongue

We all know that brushing and flossing are important for our teeth and gum health. But what about your tongue? Isn’t the tongue also a part of your mouth? Cleaning your tongue is as important as brushing to prevent tooth cavities. Yes! You read it right.  The...
Eating quickly can cause bad breath- Know how?

Eating quickly can cause bad breath- Know how?

Are you doing everything you can to avoid bad breath, but still unable to get rid of it? Then you need to start assessing your eating speed as eating quickly can cause bad breath. Not just what we eat but how we eat is also important. Many of us are slaves to our...
Oral habits that put your heart at risk

Oral habits that put your heart at risk

Your heart is the most important part of your body. It pumps blood nonstop through all your organs from the day you are born till the day you die. So taking care of your heart with healthy habits should you a top priority. Did you know that your oral habits also...