Did you know that tooth dеcay oftеn starts as a littlе whitе spot on your tooth? Once it gеts worsе, it turns brown or еvеn black and еvеntually crеatеs holеs in your tееth. The World Health Organization found that 2 billion pеoplе have dеcay in their adult...
Oil Pulling Can Prevent Yellow Teeth: A Simple (But Complete) Guide
Ever noticed anyone or probably your closed ones having yellow teeth? It gives an unpleasant feeling, right? If their oral hygiene is not up to the mark does it make you question their overall hygiene habits? And you ever wondered what if you had yellow teeth?...
Lower your blood sugar levels with flossing
Diabetes caused due to rise in blood sugar levels is a matter of concern globally. As stated by the International Diabetes Federation, 88 million people in the Southeast Asia region are prey to diabetes. Out of this 88 million, 77 million people are from India. The...
Benefits of gum massage – avoid tooth extraction
You may have heard of body massage, head massage, foot massage, and so on. But gum massage? It may sound weird to you as most people are unaware of the concept of gum massage and its benefits. There are so many of us who hate going to the dentist, don’t we? Especially...
Pit and fissure sealants could save root canal treatment
Root canal treatments are one of those nightmares often feared the most. Going to the dentist can be scary, but root canal treatments are particularly frightening. Most people are victims to dental phobia even with the thought of root canals, isn’t it? Due to this,...
Tongue cleaning benefits digestion
Tongue cleaning has been the focus and the cornerstone of Ayurvedic principles since ancient times. Your tongue can tell a lot about a person's overall health say the Ayurvedics. The practitioners of Ayurveda believe that the state of our tongue reflects the state of...
Oil pulling benefits for skin : Reduce wrinkles on face
The practice of oil pulling can be traced back to Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient system of healing that developed in India over 3,000 years ago. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that oil pulling can cleanse the body of toxins, improve oral health and enhance overall...
scanO(formerly DentalDost)- The Protector of your Oral Health
We know why visiting a dentist seems such a big deal to you. We already discussed how dental phobia has affected almost half of our population as if it was a silent pandemic. Read it here Dental phobia is such that even a very courageous person will think ten times...
But Dentists can help protect your teeth
By now, you must have figured out which of these is your reason to fall prey to dental phobia. Read it here Terrifying dental treatments like root canals, tooth removal, gum surgeries and implants do keep you awake at night just by the thought of it. That’s how you...
Legit ways to avoid going to a Dentist
By now we all have discovered what exactly scares us the most when we visit a dental clinic. If you haven’t you can dig out your deep-rooted dental fears here. (why are we scared to visit a dentist) In our previous blog, we also spoke about how the burden of bad...
I am a Dentist. And I am scared too!
Statistical studies prove half the population is a victim of dental phobia. We also discussed whether our dental fears are rational or completely baseless. If you missed it out you can read it here. We also learned how bad dental experiences could keep us away from...
Do kids need a mouthwash too?
Prevention of dental caries is the main focus of a child’s oral health. Dental health forms an integral part of general health in a growing kid. But, in developing countries like India, owing to improper oral hygiene practices, overconsumption of sugars, and an...
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