Pregnancy comes with a host of new emotions, experiences and for some women, uncomfortable side effects. One such common concern for expectant mothers is dental pain during pregnancy. Dental pain can be quite unpleasant and adds to the existing stresses of a pregnant...
Dental care and pregnancy
Pregnancy can be wonderful and stressful at the same time. The creation of life can take a toll on a women’s body and mind. But remaining calm and taking good care of yourself and in turn, the baby is the utmost priority. So if you face any dental problems during your...
Planning to get pregnant? Get a pre-pregnancy dental checkup
Making a baby is a lot of fun, but pregnancy is no piece of cake. Creating and nurturing a baby takes a toll on all of a women’s bodily systems. Therefore, making sure that all your systems are running smoothly not just during, but before your pregnancy is very...
Have you experienced swollen gums during pregnancy?
Studies show links between gum disease and pregnancy. You might not be aware changes happening in your mouth but around 60% of pregnant women complain of swollen gums during their pregnancy. This might not happen suddenly, but gradually. Its not a panicky situation –...
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