7 Home Remedies to get rid of acidity in the mouth

Goodbye to Mouth Acidity

Written by Dr. Bhakti Shilwant

Medically reviewed by  Dr. Vidhi Bhanushali Kabade BDS, TCC

Last updated May 4, 2024

Written by Dr. Bhakti Shilwant

Medically reviewed by  Dr. Vidhi Bhanushali Kabade BDS, TCC

Last updated May 4, 2024

Acidity in the mouth can have various implications for our oral health, ranging from mouth ulcers and dry mouth to a bitter taste and mouth sores. Understanding the causes and effects of acidity in the mouth is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health.

In this article, we will delve into the topic of acidity in the mouth and explore home remedies to reduce acidity levels. By implementing these techniques and adopting a balanced approach to oral care, you can alleviate discomfort, prevent oral issues, and promote a healthier mouth.

Availability of sugary snacks and acidic foods. Whether it’s the festival season or any other time of year, maintaining our oral health is critical to avoiding dental problems and preserving our brilliant smiles.

We will go into the topic of lowering acidity in the mouth and explore practical techniques to protect our teeth from the destructive effects of sweets and acids in this talk. We may enjoy our favorite foods while minimizing the hazards they bring to our oral health by appreciating the need for moderation and practicing easy oral hygiene practices. Maintaining a healthy mouth is a lifelong endeavor, made much more important by our diets’ 

So, let us go on this oral health trip to learn how to reduce acidity, and support a healthy mouth throughout the year.

Key Points: Acidity of Mouth

  • Explaining the concept of pH balance in the mouth and how acidity levels can impact oral health.
  • Discussing the factors that contribute to acidity in the mouth, such as dietary choices, stress, certain medical conditions, and acid reflux.
  • Highlighting the link between acidity and mouth ulcers, explaining how increased acidity can irritate the delicate oral tissues and lead to the formation of painful ulcers.
  • Discussing the impact of acidity on dry mouth, explaining how high acidity levels can hinder saliva production and cause dryness, leading to discomfort and increased risk of dental problems.
  • Exploring the connection between acidity and mouth bitterness, discussing how acidic foods and beverages, as well as acid reflux, can leave a lingering bitter taste in the mouth.
  • Addressing the issue of mouth sores and their relationship with acidity, explaining how increased acidity can contribute to the development of sores in the oral cavity.

Understanding the Impact of Acid on Dental Health

Foods and beverages that are acidic release hydrogen ions into our mouths, decreasing the pH and increasing the acidity. Our teeth’s protective enamel layer may temporarily become softer due to this acidity, leaving them more vulnerable to erosion and damage. Regular contact to acidic substances over time can result in irreparable enamel loss, which can cause cavities and tooth sensitivity.

In the context of dental health, it is crucial to maintain a balanced pH in the oral cavity, typically ranging from 6.2 to 7.6. Acidic conditions, characterized by a low pH (below 5.5), can lead to enamel erosion, tooth demineralization, and an increased risk of tooth decay. 

Why is pH significant to oral health?

Dental health depends on the pH of the mouth. Acidity can induce pH imbalances that can damage tooth enamel, promote tooth decay, increase sensitivity, mess with the oral microbiota, and have an overall negative effect on oral health. A healthy oral microbiome is supported by maintaining a regulated pH, which also supports enamel protection, prevents decay, lessens sensitivity, and encourages good oral hygiene. People can protect their teeth and keep a bright smile by controlling pH levels through diet, oral hygiene routines, and lifestyle decisions.

Strategies to reducing acidity in the mouth

1. Limiting Acidic Food and Drinks

Acidic Food and Drinks

Providing dietary recommendations to reduce acidity, such as limiting the consumption of highly acidic and sugary foods and drinks and opting for healthier alternatives like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Reduced consumption of acidic meals and beverages is the first step in safeguarding our tooth health. Acid-rich foods and beverages include citrus fruits, tomatoes, vinegar, and carbonated beverages. Although they provide nutritional advantages, the best way to avoid dental problems is to consume them in moderation.

We can include these foods in meals and eat them with less acidic options rather than completely avoiding them. Additionally, sipping acidic liquids using a straw can lessen the amount of time our teeth are in direct contact with the acid, lowering the risk of acid erosion.

2. Rinse with Water

 Rinse with Water

Rinsing the mouth with water after consuming acidic foods or beverages is a quick yet efficient approach to neutralize acid and wipe away residue. It helps to dilute the acid, making it less damaging to tooth enamel, by swishing water around the mouth for around 30 seconds. To stop more enamel wear afterward, it’s imperative to delay brushing.

3. Timing Matters: Wait Before Brushing

Rinsing the mouth with water after consuming acidic foods or beverages is a quick yet efficient approach to neutralize acid and wipe away residue. It helps to dilute the acid, making it less damaging to tooth enamel, by swishing water around the mouth for around 30 seconds. To stop more enamel wear afterward, it’s imperative to delay brushing.

4. Opt for a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

 Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

It is kinder to the gums and tooth enamel to use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Enamel can be more quickly worn down by hard bristles and vigorous scrubbing, especially when accompanied with acid contact. Dental professionals advise using a soft-bristled toothbrush and brushing for two minutes twice a day.

5. Utilize Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride Toothpaste helps prevent acid erosion and strengthens tooth enamel.

Mineral fluoride helps prevent acid erosion and strengthens tooth enamel. Fluoride toothpaste improves enamel resistance to acid assaults and lowers the incidence of cavities when used as part of a regular oral hygiene practice.

6. pH-Neutralizing Oral Care Products

pH-Neutralizing Oral Care Products

A variety of oral care products are designed specifically to help balance acid in the mouth. Maintaining a normal oral pH and safeguarding enamel can be facilitated by using mouthwashes, rinses, or toothpaste made for acid protection. It may be advantageous to incorporate these products into your oral hygiene routine, especially if you are prone to dental problems caused by acid.

7. Chew Sugar-Free Gum

Chew Sugar-Free Gum

After meals, chewing sugar-free gum increases salivation, which is important for washing away food and detritus and neutralizing acids. Additionally, the necessary minerals in saliva help to remineralizer teeth and fortify the enamel.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes acidity in the mouth?

 Several factors can contribute to acidity in the mouth. These include consuming highly acidic and sugary foods and drinks, experiencing stress, certain medical conditions, and acid reflux.

Can acidity in the mouth lead to mouth ulcers?

Yes, increased acidity in the mouth can irritate the delicate tissues and contribute to the development of mouth ulcers. Maintaining a balanced pH level in the mouth is important to prevent ulcers.

Why do I experience a bitter taste in my mouth when acidity is high?

Acidic foods, beverages, and acid reflux can leave a bitter taste in the mouth. The bitter taste is a result of the interaction between acids and taste receptors on the tongue.

Can reducing acidity in the mouth help prevent tooth decay?

Yes, reducing acidity can help prevent tooth decay. Acidic environments in the mouth can demineralize tooth enamel, making it more susceptible to decay. Maintaining a balanced pH level and practicing good oral hygiene can protect the teeth from acid-related damage.

How often should I visit the dentist to address acidity-related issues?

Regular dental check-ups are recommended every six months or as advised by your dentist. They can assess your oral health, provide professional cleaning, and offer guidance on managing acidity-related concerns specific to your situation.


Taking proactive measures to reduce acidity in the mouth is essential for maintaining good oral health and preventing discomfort and dental problems. By understanding the causes and effects of acidity, practicing good oral hygiene, making mindful dietary choices, staying hydrated, managing stress, and seeking professional guidance, you can effectively reduce acidity levels and promote a healthier, more comfortable oral environment. 

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scanO (formerly DentalDost)

Stay Informed, Smile On!

Author Bio: I am Dr. Bhakti Shilwant, dentist by profession and a freelance dental content writer for scanO (formerly DentalDost). I smoothly combine knowledge and creativity to produce captivating content, drawing on both my experience as a dentist and my intrinsic passion of writing. Through concise yet effective writings that encourage a healthier and happier living, it is my mission to provide people with factual and useful healthcare information, especially in the area of oral care.

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