Debunking myths about Dental Implants


Written by Dr. Krupa Patil

Medically reviewed by  Dr. Vidhi Bhanushali Kabade BDS, TCC

Last updated Apr 11, 2024

Written by Dr. Krupa Patil

Medically reviewed by  Dr. Vidhi Bhanushali Kabade BDS, TCC

Last updated Apr 11, 2024

When people hear about implants, the first thing that comes to their mind is SURGERY, time and of course the high dental bills that come along with it. Implant-related misconceptions have been passed over a decade from each individual. With more advancement in dental technology and revised treatment procedures, it’s more convenient for the dentist as well as the patient. However, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. Let’s debunk some common myths about dental implants, including misconceptions about pain, age limitations, cost, durability, recovery time, failure rates, and their suitability for replacing multiple teeth.

Implants play a pivot role as they replace one or more tooth which can improve the patients chewing and speech function. Patients refrain from selecting implants as an option for their missing tooth due to the myths about dental implant. In order to make the patent more aware about implants, it is the duty of the dentist to debunk all the myths of the patient before delivering them implants.



Let’s start solving a few of the myths that are going around:

MYTH: Placing a dental implant is invasive and painful.

FACT:  Implant placing is not at all painful. Yes, operators require surgery to place screws of implants in the decided area, but to begin with, dentists always start by administering local anesthesia or nicotine sedation which helps the pain to be totally negligible. After the implant procedure, most patients experienced the pain to be negligible as compared to the pain while extracting the tooth. Once the implants are in placed, with proper medications and care one does not experience major pain as such.

MYTH: Dental implants are expensive

FACT:  While considering any treatment plan, the long-term expense should be of thought also. Compared to a dental bridge, implants are way stronger and undergo heavy mastication forces, while bridges have the tendency to fracture under heavy occlusal forces which can lead to spending more money in manufacturing a new one. On the other hand, dental bridges only last for a maximum 8-10 years and needs replacement after that as compared to implants, if properly placed and properly taken care of then they can last a lifetime.

MYTH: Long term risks are involved after implants

FACT: Implants require minor surgical procedures. After the treatment, medication must be taken to prevent complications or infections from the surgery. A minor risk is bleeding from the sutures, swollen gums, and infections at the surgical site, but these can be prevented by taking the prescribed medicines on time. Bottom line is, medication plays an important role post-surgery.

MYTH: Implants are only for elderly people.

FACT: Individuals ranging from the age of 18 years and above can undergo implant surgery. There is no age restriction as such, usually depends on the treatment options that the dentist puts Infront of the patient. Dentist performs various test which helps to determine which is individual is more compatible for implant placement. In fact younger people have a stronger bone i.e good bone density enough to support the implant along with the gum tissues, then you can be a perfect candidate for implants. However, if the bone height and width is not adequate then bone grafting is done to obtain the requirements of the implant. The bottom line is, the younger you are the better is the healing with implants.

MYTH: Failure rate is more compared to the other alternatives of missing tooth

FACT: Titanium metal is used in the manufacture of dental implants, which is compatible with the body and therefore the implants are not easily rejected by the body.  Failure of the treatment may only occur if proper oral hygiene is not maintained or if the treatment is done by an untrained professional or if the procedure is done in spite the patient having severe systemic disease. Dental implants do not fail unless and until these reasons are behind the failure.

MYTH: Dental implants require special care and maintenance.

FACT: As compared to dental bridges, implants do not require special care and maintenance. Only thing that the patient needs to follow is a proper oral hygiene routine. Oral hygiene plays an important role. Compared to the dental bridges, since it replaces only the crown structure and not the root, there is a tendency for the micro-organisms to multiply along with the resorption of jaw bone takes place. This leads to reduced years for the bridges.

MYTH: Damages the gums and jaws.

FACT: If the missing tooth is not replaced in time, further consequences cause difficulty in placing the implant screws. To prevent this, implant screws are placed in the jaw which avoids the resorption of the jaw and helps in maintaining the original facial features of the patient. No damage is done to the jaws and gums, in fact they are saved from being resorbed!

MYTH: It’s too late for an implant

FACT:  Individuals with missing teeth or edentulous arch can replace this empty space whenever they are comfortable to do so. Before a patient receives an implant, a thorough check-up is done for the bone type which decides the type of screw that can be placed. Even if the patient comes after many years to replace a missing tooth, evaluation is done to consider their compatibility for the implant.

MYTH: Change of color can be seen on implants

FACT: The implant crown does not change color, in fact the adjacent teeth may change color due to various reasons. These reasons are; caffeine intake, poor dental hygiene, old age, genetics, trauma, etc. Dental crowns are made of ceramic or porcelain material which makes them resistant to staining. 

MYTH: Dental implant always requires bone grafting

FACT: Bone grafting is a procedure that is done when the bone height is not enough to place the implant screw. Not everyone would need a bone graft to place an implant. After proper scans and tests are done for the bone, it can be assessed whether the patient will be requiring a bone graft or not. 

MYTH: Longer time is required for healing

FACT:  Healing time may vary from patient to patient. Usually, a period of maximum 6 months is required for healing to occur between the bone and the screw. With the right medication, healing does not require more than the estimated months. Many patients feel confident after getting their smiles fixed with an implant and consider this time of healing worth the trouble. 

You can ask your dentist all your related queries or simply call DentalDost helpline number and directly talk to a dentist regarding dental implants and all the myths related to them. Investing properly for a longer run and having an effective and bright smile makes the patient happy and the dentist happier. 


  • Implants are not a painful procedure
  • In spite of them being expensive, they should be considered for the longer run
  • If properly installed in the oral cavity, no risks or failures are seen
  • Dental implants do not need special care and maintenance as compared to the dental bridges.
  • Debunking myths of dental implants can open a horizon of options for different implant techniques
  • No one can explain the facts to the patients better other than the dentist.
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Author Bio: Krupa Patil is currently working as an intern in School of Dental Sciences, KIMSDU, Karad. She has been nominated for the Pierre Fauchard Award from School of Dental Sciences. She has one article published in a journal which is PubMed indexed and currently working on one patent and two design patents. 4 copyrights are also present under name. She has a hobby of reading, writing about different aspects of dentistry and is a vivid traveler. She continuously seeks out training and professional development opportunities that allow her to remain aware and knowledgeable about new dental practices and latest technology is being considered or used.

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