
Legit Ways To Avoid Tooth Extraction
Bleeding mouth – What can go wrong?

Bleeding mouth – What can go wrong?

Everyone has had the experience of tasting blood in their mouth. No, this isn’t a post for vampires. It’s for all of you who have ever rinsed your mouth after brushing your teeth and been horrified at flecks of blood in the bowl. Sound familiar? You should not be...

Why do your teeth become cavity-prone?

Why do your teeth become cavity-prone?

Dental decay, caries, and cavities all mean the same thing. It is a result of the bacterial attack on your teeth, which compromises their structure, eventually resulting in loss if left untreated. Unlike most other body parts, the teeth, much like the nervous system,...

Regular flossing could save your teeth from extraction

Regular flossing could save your teeth from extraction

Though most people these days are becoming aware of flossing, they don’t really put it into practice consistently. They say if you fail to floss you miss cleaning 40% of your teeth. But are people really worried about the remaining 40%? Well, you should be! Because...

Benefits of gum massage – avoid tooth extraction

Benefits of gum massage – avoid tooth extraction

You may have heard of body massage, head massage, foot massage, and so on. But gum massage? It may sound weird to you as most people are unaware of the concept of gum massage and its benefits. There are so many of us who hate going to the dentist, don’t we? Especially...

Gum contouring could prevent tooth extraction

Gum contouring could prevent tooth extraction

Have you come across anyone who got their teeth extracted even if their teeth are healthy? Why would a dentist do that? Well, yes! At times your dentist decides to get your tooth extracted even if there isn’t any decay present. But Why so? Your dentist plans on...

Tooth cavities: Facts, treatment and its prevention

Tooth cavities: Facts, treatment and its prevention

Tooth cavities is the most common disease after common cold. What are dental caries? It's a scientific term for tooth decay or tooth cavities. Everyone has been a victim of tooth cavities at least once, either in their childhood or later in adulthood. But no one knows...


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