Somе pеoplе think that bracеs and rеtainеrs arе thе samе, but thеy'rе actually diffеrеnt. Thеy'rе usеd in orthodontic trеatmеnt for different rеasons and at different stagеs. Bracеs arе nееdеd to fix problеms likе crookеd tееth and impropеr bitе,еtc. Whilе rеtainеrs...
Alternative options to clear aligners
As we age, our bodies change. We require clothes that fit better than before. Your mouth is no exception to this. Though your teeth do not grow, once they erupt, they cause several changes in your mouth. This can cause your teeth to go out of alignment and appear...
Reasons why clear aligners fail
The other day when I was shopping in a mall, I came across a body shop store. There the shopkeeper almost convinced me to buy a salicylic acid serum for my pimples. However, when I got home and started using it, I got no results except for some more pimples on my...
How are clear aligners made?
Suppressing one's smile is a way of life for some people. Even if they do smile, they typically do all they can to keep their lips together and keep their teeth hidden. According to ADA, 25% of people resist smiling due to the condition of their teeth. If you are...
Clear Aligners, what’s the buzz about?
Do you have crooked teeth but don't want braces at this age? Well, if you need a hassle-free remedy for your maligned teeth, then clear aligners are here to save you. You might have heard the buzz about clear aligners, but what's it all about? The term 'braces' often...
Why floss my teeth when ALL IS WELL!
When you hear the word floss, is a floss dance the only thing that comes to your mind? We hope not! 10/10 dentists vote flossing your teeth is as important as brushing your teeth. But you're lazy, don't know how to floss ,it's time-consuming and a hassle. We get...
Aussie Medical 3D Printing Company In Clear Aligners Market
An Australian medical 3D printing company is hoping to take on 30 billion dollars Invisalign in the clear aligner market. By this, they hope to offer a faster, and dentist friendly alternative. SmileStyler, founded by serial entrepreneur and Melbourne Rebel's rugby...
U.S based startup delivering clear aligners at home
SmileDirectClub is one of the startups disrupting traditional dental methods of orthodontic treatment. The teledentistry service was launched four years ago and employs around 3000 people. It has a huge potential to eliminate the disparities in oral health care...
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