A 9 to 5 job is very tiring and stressful for all individuals. We often get very less time to make those cliche meals and carry all the time to the office or college. So, we crave for pastries and cakes in the office or college canteen. Or you must have kept a packet of chips or biscuits in your desk drawers for emergency hunger pangs. But do you know that binging such foods are harmful to your teeth as well as your overall wellness?
From today declutter your office desk drawer and throw away those salty and sugary snacks and have a look at healthy snacks for teeth and which are easy to carry food healthy teeth and gums.

A fiber-rich snack is always helpful for our mouth as well as our gut. Carrots are rich in fiber and contain multiple vitamins. They act as a natural toothbrush which cleans the plaque and also increases saliva production.
Carry sliced or wedged carrots with your favorite dip or hummus for a perfect healthy snack.

We all know the proverb, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Here, an apple a day will also keep cavities away! As we all know that apples are rich in fiber and natural sugars. Also, a juicy texture inside the apples will help you increase saliva production which will wash away oral bacteria and prevent dental caries.
Carry an apple in your bag or slices of apple with peanut butter is also a healthy option for a satisfying meal.

Many people love to add cheese with everything they have. Grated cheese on noodles, pasta, and pizza not only enhances the taste but also gives food a creamy and savory texture. For all the cheese lovers, here’s good news!
Cheese is a rich source of protein, calcium, and fat which helps to strengthen your bones and teeth. It also increases the pH of your mouth and lowers the risk of tooth decay.
You can carry a slice or a cube of cheese and savour every bite for quick snack time!

It’s a tradition in India that our mothers used to give us overnight water-soaked almonds to eat first thing in the morning. Our mothers believe that it gives us the energy to be productive and increases our physical fitness. Our mothers are right!
Almonds are a great source of calcium, protein and have low sugar content. Almonds act as a shield for your teeth against bacteria and dental issues.
Carry 4-5 almonds in a small box and munch them during your travel or work. Almonds are also rich in fiber. Hence, they will keep you away from binging sugary or salty snacks.

It’s almost summer and cucumber is a perfect food to kill dehydration. Cucumber is fibrous and washes away all the residues trapped between our teeth. Its texture helps in reducing bad breath, plaque build-up, and other gum problems.
Carry slices of cucumber in your tiffin box with hummus for a filling and healthy snack.

Yogurt is a great snack food as it is full of probiotics that help in keeping the gut healthy and are good for oral health as well. As per various studies, consuming yogurt regularly can prevent bad breath and strengthens the enamel as well. A 150-gram serving of yogurt can fulfill your daily requirement of calcium and will keep you full till time you have your next meal.
But do note that not all yogurts are good for oral health, so pick one with fewer sugar content or add fruits to sweeten it up a bit if you like your yogurt sweet.
Yoghurt is a healthy snack option that is easy to carry to work and college.

Chickpeas, Green gram, Bengal Gram and many others are a perfect source of protein and fiber. Fibers in sprouts help in reducing the action of oral bacteria and improves saliva secretion. A bowl of mixed sprout salad with lemon squeezed over it is a perfect snack option for a satisfactory feeling.
Now you have all the amazing options of snacks for healthy teeth and body. Let us know more about your healthy and quick snack options in the comment box below.
Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are good for both health and teeth. It helps in strengthening the gums and enamel of the teeth.
You can easily carry flax seeds packets with you in your office bag and have it whenever you want. Flakes of flax seeds can be sprinkled over cereal, salads and yoghurt to make it more delicious.
This is the best snack for healthy teeth.
Nice article
Thank you, Shivam