Gummy Smile? Sculpt your gums to get that stunning smile

Written by Dr. Apurva Chavan

Medically reviewed by  Dr. Vidhi Bhanushali Kabade BDS, TCC

Last updated May 3, 2024

Written by Dr. Apurva Chavan

Medically reviewed by  Dr. Vidhi Bhanushali Kabade BDS, TCC

Last updated May 3, 2024

Don’t you want that perfect photograph –with a gorgeous background and a dazzling smile- to put as your display picture on your favorite social media site? But is your ‘gummy smile’ holding you back ? Do you feel that your gums take up most of your smile instead of your teeth? Well here is some good news for you – your gums can be reshaped and sculpted to help you get that photogenic smile.

Do your gums overpower your teeth when you smile?

A gummy smile is a smile in which your gums are largely visible while smiling. Smaller teeth usually cause gums to look big. The position of your lips and their activity levels also play an important role in the amount of gum exposure. Uneven gum margins also spoil the look of your smile. All these things can be corrected with gum sculpting. 

How can you get rid of that gummy smile?

It is a minor surgical process performed by your dentist under local anesthesia. A small part of your gums is cut away to leave you with even well-sized gums. You do not feel any pain during the surgery as a localized numbing agent is used. After the surgery, some amount of discomfort is present which is easily taken care of with painkillers.

How long will I take to recover?

Your total recovery time extends from a few days to a few weeks depending on what method of surgery you choose. Traditionally the gums are cut with a scalpel and require sutures and longer recovery time. Lasers are the new method of reshaping your gums. They are less invasive, cause minimal bleeding, and have a shorter recovery time. Both give excellent results.  

Will I have any dietary restrictions?

Hard crispy things like chips, nachos, or even popcorn that can poke your gums are to be avoided. Spicy and overtly oil foods are also no during the recovery period. You can have soft food like yogurt, rice, porridges, and everyone’s favorite ice-cream.

Why gum sculpting isn’t for everyone

Your smile is unique and so are your gums.  A beautiful smile requires not just healthy teeth but healthy gums as well. Smokers, tobacco chewers, patients with uncontrolled diabetes, or patients with existing periodontal diseases cannot go for gum sculpting. Compromised periodontium will not be able to sustain the sculpting.

So have word with your dentist to make sure that you are a good fit for this procedure. Sometimes, if your case requires it your dentist may suggest getting a botox shot to reduce your lip activity level or veneers to lengthen your teeth to help you get the maximum benefit of the gum sculpting.

Visit your dentist at least twice a year to get your scaling and polishing done to maintain healthy gum. Brush twice a day and floss regularly to maintain that winning smile.

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Author Bio: Dr. Apurva Chavan is a dentist by the day and a voracious reader and writer by the night. She loves to fix smiles and tries to keep all her procedures as pain free as possible. Equipped with over 5 years of experience she loves to not just treat her patients but also educate them about dental hygiene and appropriate maintanence routines. After a long day of preserving smiles she loves to curl up with a good book or pen down some of life’s musings. She strongly belives that learning never stops and likes to keep her self updates with all the latest dental news and research.

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