Why floss my teeth when ALL IS WELL!

Why floss my teeth when ALL IS WELL!

  When you hear the word floss, is a floss dance the only thing that comes to your mind? We hope not! 10/10 dentists vote flossing your teeth is as important as brushing your teeth. But you’re lazy, don’t know how to floss ,it’s time-consuming and a...
Advancement in Periodontics

Advancement in Periodontics

From cleaning and polishing of the teeth to using lasers for the treatments of gum infections and using implants to replace a missing tooth The advancements in the field of periodontics are unimaginable. Every day, every hour, every minute doctors, dentists, and...
Top 5 Dental Floss brands

Top 5 Dental Floss brands

Are you confused about which floss to buy? Here are the top 5 dental floss brands easily available in the market at medical stores and are also available online. Colgate The Colgate floss is the traditional flosses which are flat ribbon-like flosses. These are shred...
Kick the toothpick and Floss like a boss!

Kick the toothpick and Floss like a boss!

It’s every dentist’s dream to see all their patients flossing every day and maintaining their oral hygiene, and every patient’s dream to have a mouth free of dental problems and a floss can make them come true. Why should you floss? What is flossing...